You Are A Wise Goddess If…

You’re a little intrigued, admit it. Could you be a wise goddess? Is that possible? Some little piece of you must think so because you’re here. Ok, let’s begin the exploration. I want you to embed the following affirmation in your heart, mind and soul while reading this article – “I am a beautiful, strong, ageless, all-powerful woman”. See, you’re feeling a little more goddess-like already! 


When you feel as if you already possess the attributes of a wise goddess you become one. Think it, feel it, live it, even on those days when something or someone makes you feel less. You are wise because you’ve lived on this earth over 5 decades. You have been through good times and bad, loved, laughed, lost, cried, made mistakes and learned many lessons. The golden nuggets of wisdom you hold make you a rich source to mine.


You are a goddess. How do I know? Because you still feel like the world is your oyster. Every time you hear that one song from “back in the day” you get goosebumps remembering all the youthful enthusiasm and dreams brewing from within yourself. BE honest…Those feelings are still there. Dreams not met yet are goals to be pursued now. Yes, NOW! 


You don’t see one looking back at you?  No, Nope, Nada!! Here’s what you have to do…Think it, feel it, live it! Once that little spark is reignited inside, it won’t be long before the outside catches up. And remember, goddesses come wrapped in all shapes, sizes and ethnicities. You are unique. Stop listening to the media and looking at magazine photos of airbrushed, hair and make-up professionally done models and movie stars. Listen to your inner voice and know that those women don’t look like the pictures 24/7. They have bad hair days and wrinkles too.  They just manage to avoid the paparazzi on those days.

Back to the task at hand – You Are a Wise Goddess If…  please answer the following questions:

  1. Are you 50 or older?
  2. Do you still think and feel “young” on the inside?
  3. Is your life purpose driven?
  4. Do you still have things to see, places to go and people to love?
  5. Do you have family, friends and coworkers telling you to retire, downsize and relax?
  6. Does question #5 leave you screaming on the inside because you aren’t ready to be “put out to pasture yet”?
  7. Do you have any health concerns?
  8. If yes to question #7, are you willing to do something positive about those concerns?
  9. Do you want to learn new things that could help you become healthier and enjoy life to its fullest at any age?
  10. Would you prefer a holistic lifestyle to a pharmaceutical/chemical-dependent one?


I know there are at least a few, maybe 10. The number is really irrelevant. Why? Because, even if your lone yes was to the first question, You are a wise goddess! I’m here to tell you, today, tomorrow and forevermore a wise goddess you shall be. But, me telling you and you believing it deep in your soul are two different things.


This is where the transformation begins! Remember the affirmation I asked you to keep saying as you read this article? I am a beautiful, strong, ageless, all-powerful woman.  Keep reciting that every day while looking at yourself in the mirror. Do it first thing in the morning, while you brush your teeth before bed and anytime something good or bad happens to you. Do it while striking your “wonder woman” pose. Please refer to the picture above.  I’m not kidding, research has actually been done that shows standing like this for 2 minutes can make you feel more confident and powerful. Think it, feel it, live it!

Next, take action with baby steps. I suggest movement and sleep. Both will help you feel better… mind, body and spirit. Make your movement walking around your neighborhood, the building you work in or the park nearby. Or, try dancing to songs that bring you happy memories. To get you into the swing of things, dance with me below. Aim for a minimum of 20-30 minutes/day of movement and leave the judgments behind. It’s not about am I doing it right, doing it fast enough or doing it long enough. It’s about the J-O-Y of moving your body. I promise you, it will elevate your mood and reinforce that affirmation. 

Sleep is not easy to achieve for many women, especially as you go through menopause. But, it’s vitally important, physically and mentally, to get 7-9 hours of restful sleep per night. It’s gonna be difficult to live your best life after 50 without it! Please consider becoming a part of my email list and I will send you lots of juicy info on getting better sleep. Along with that, you will become a part of the Wise Goddesses community. It helps to have like-minded women beside you to journey into greatness. And, I promise to help you stay on the path to confidence and power by arming you with relevant health/wellness information, movement and self-care tips.


I want to leave you with a little inspiration from 2 women who are the epitome of what it means to be a wise goddess. First is Louise Hay, the queen of affirmations! She wrote her first book at the age of 51, at 58 became a NY Times bestselling author with the book You Can Heal Your Life, which led to her appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show. When she turned 61 she opened her own publishing company, Hay House. She continued to write books on her own and collaboratively to the age of 89. She touched so many lives up until her death in 2017 at the age of 90. And, she lives on in the hearts of so many with her written words. Here’s 2 more affirmations from Louise to add to your wise goddesses toolbox: 

“I am wise & beautiful. I love what I see in me. I choose to love and enjoy myself”. 

“I am willing to learn new ways of living”. 

Tao Porchon-Lynch was featured in Athleta’s January 2016 catalog and the “Power of She” campaign at the age of 98! She was listed as the world’s oldest living yoga teacher in the 2012 Guiness Book of World Records. She said,

“I don’t believe in age. I don’t want anybody to tell me what I can’t do. I want to know that within me that there’s all the power of the Universe”.

In 2019, at the age of 101, she was still teaching yoga. She said she was going to teach yoga until she couldn’t breathe anymore. Tao passed on in 2020 at the age of 102.

If these wonderful women can have purpose in their lives until the very end you can too. I plan on doing great things, including teaching yoga until I can’t breathe anymore.  I want you right beside me living your best life after 50 and way, way, beyond. Ready, Set and Goooooo. Let me know what wonderful things you have in the works, Wise Goddess. I’m ready to help you. Let’s do this thing!!