Meet Me at the Barre

Yes you say! An invitation for drinks out and girl talk is just what you need. Hey Annette, FYI, it’s spelled “bar”. Wait…as you look at the picture it dawns on you that maybe you won’t be putting on a cute dress and heels. Is this some sort of exercise? Heck yes, movement in your bare feet is calling your name. And, it’s nothing like the ballet classes you may have taken as a child. The fitness industry added a whole bunch of fun twists as only it can, no tutu necessary. Your tush will never be the same, in the best possible way. And, your feet will be happy staying away from pinched toes and hovering 4 inches off the ground.

OK...Tell Me More

Barre began back in the 1950s when a dancer named Lotte Berk was looking to stay fit while recovering from a back injury.   It’s a workout inspired by ballet, yoga and Pilates. So, you get a class focused on full-body muscular endurance.  Arms, legs, glutes and core are the foundational focus of barre. Muscles in each group are fatigued via small targeted movements, high repetitions and light weights or resistance. Stretching is sprinkled throughout the typical 45-minute or hour timeframe to lengthen muscles being contracted to the maximum. And, while there are still plenty of traditional barre classes to be found out there, fusion sessions are popping up all the time. A typical example of this is a barre class that includes cardio intervals interspersed with muscular endurance work. So, your heart can get in on the workout too!

Needless to say, any type of barre class will leave you feeling muscles you forgot you had but need to get stronger. You say, ok Annette, I’m over the shock of no dresses or drinks but…I need more info before I’m ready to commit.

Here's 5 Reasons to Try a Barre Class

1. It is a low-impact exercise modality. This means anyone can benefit and be successful with barre.  For example, let’s say you have a back issue or creaky knees. Barre class can help you improve those areas of your body, not harm them more.

2. Barre keeps your brain on its toes. Who doesn’t know of someone with dementia in this day and age. We need to keep our brains sharp and barre can help. With high repetitions of work within a muscle group comes a variety of movements. So, a simple squat goes from a single lower and lift to a pulse. Then rhythm changes come into play where a 2 count lower and lift adds in a side leg lift then becomes a 4 count lower and lift with a front leg lift. The changes can come quickly and the brain needs to adjust to keep up. Your brain won’t be bored in a barre class!

3. Core work galore is a given with this class. Your core will be engaged the entire time if you focus. Yep, your core working hard for an entire class and nary a crunch to be found. A strong core gives us better posture and balance, 2 things that can fade as we grow older unless we combat the decline.

4. Muscular strength and endurance gains are definitely achieved. What does this mean for you? As mentioned in #3, better posture and balance for starters. It will make carrying heavy objects easier, longer playing sessions with the grandkids doable, and exploring new activities such as hiking and kayaking more enjoyable. You’ll also be able to open the lid on those stubborn jars more readily!

5. Fear of injury can be greatly reduced. With age can come weaker muscles and rusty joints. Barre combats both perfectly! So, maybe knee and hip replacements won’t be part of your life story. And if they are, rehabbing will go more smoothly.

Here’s the cherry on top of the multiple reasons to try a barre class. There is something uplifting and energizing about combining upbeat music with movement. If you have a battle with the blues, as is bound to happen to all of us from time to time, barre class can fill you with energy as it erases depression, anxiety, and stress.

Would you like to try a barre class? I have two options for you!


Try this free 20-minute barre class from the Wise Goddesses On-Demand Library.


Join me for one complimentary Zoom barre class on Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings at 9:15am CT.

Now you really don’t have any excuses NOT to give barre a whirl!

Perky glutes and happy hips are calling your name. Healthy squatting friends!



PS. Would you like more videos like this? I have over 40 videos in the Wise Goddesses On- Demand Library. Join us here.