I try to look for happy moments each day. But, we all have times in our lives where everything gets so routine, dare I say boring, that one may wonder if anything exciting will ever happen again. Or, something unexpected occurs that leaves you speechless and wondering, “this is how excitement is getting injected into my life now?”. I have experienced both these scenarios in 2023. And then came September…read on to see if you can relate.


I have been working tirelessly on the Wise Goddesses 5 Stage Success Pathway this year. I’ve been creating this step-by-step course for women over 50 who want to get active and feel better but don’t know where to start. While that has been stirring my creative juices, it also has gotten to the point where every day a similar to-do list awaits: write articles and emails, videotape and tend to social media. It’s almost done and I’m super proud of the content (check out the deets here) (insert my link to the website inside the word “here”) but sometimes a girl just wants to have fun.

I wouldn’t call what happened in July “fun” but it did break up my daily schedule. There was a hidden water leak in my house which wreaked havoc on all 3 floors. I found water damage one morning on my kitchen ceilling while eating breakfast. That led to 2 months of water mitigation/renovation and many small obstacles along the way. I just had to laugh with my contractor each day. It’s what kept me sane! 


Just as the reno got completed I packed my bags and headed out West.  The past few weeks have been filled with unforgettable memories, a few happy tears and moments I couldn’t possibly attach a price tag to. Talk about the opposite of mundane, my life has been mindblowing of late.

My younger daughter got married on September 22 in Las Vegas. No, Elvis didn’t marry them. It was a super small wedding at a little chapel with a charming garden. The officiant was a woman who imparted wonderful words for 2 young people beginning a life together. My daughter wanted something simple and easy and that’s exactly what she got. It was a lovely day and my hope is they have a long, happy life together.

I don’t like to fly. Consequently, my husband and I took 7 more days after the wedding and drove to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park before flying home. I planned this trip and had seen multiple pictures of all 3 places online. Nothing could have prepared me for all the splendor I experienced.

Unfortunately, my husband hurt his foot the day after the wedding. So, I had to hike on my own. But, I never felt alone. Nature peeps are good people, always willing to answer a question or strike up a conversation while taking a water or snack break. More than anything I enjoyed listening to the sounds of the wind and birds and seeing remarkable beauty. My soul was overflowing with peace and serenity.


There was one hike though that pushed me way out of my comfort zone. It’s a strenuous hike called “The Narrows” at Zion National. It is literally hiking in a river. I had been researching and planning this hike for several months. I rented equipment for what is considered one of the top 10 hikes in the world. Yet, I woke up feeling a bit under the weather, filled with dread and trepidation. I realized I was scared to do this hike alone.  

My husband did the 8 mile bike ride with me to start the adventure. He took a picture of me and bid me adieu. I had an additional mile hike on dry land before hitting the river.

 It was crowded as I waded in and my first few steps had me wondering if I could really continue. It is total river rock under your feet. It’s why a walking stick is recommended to have, as well as special waterproof shoes and socks. I had it all and added on waterproof bibs because of the higher water expected upriver. Still, it was slow going and my confidence was low. I decided my goal was to reach the small waterfall I had read about. Turns out I got to it, felt like I was hitting a groove and went on.

 My ultimate goal was to reach a landmark called “Wall Street”. However, I didn’t know exactly how far I was from it and looming in the back of my mind was the hike back to dry land. So, I went around one more bend, relaxed in a patch of sunshine for a bit and turned around. The hike back was easier and the bike ride a piece of cake. I did it!! Side note, I checked a map of the hike later and found I was 2 bends in the river away from the beginning of “Wall Street”.   

I was giddy with pride and accomplishment as I found my husband waiting for me. I had a true adventure and felt so alive in that moment. I’m glad I mustered up the courage to give it a try. If I had bailed on “The Narrows” I would have regretted it the rest of my life. I am thirsty for more adventures. I want to feel that rush of accomplishing something physically challenging over and over again.


Here’s the moral of the story. My daughter and son-in-law had originally planned a grand, traditional wedding at a venue near where we live. The details and expense became too much and they opted out. That’s how a destination wedding plan was born. Several places were bandied about but Las Vegas was the pick. Would it have been mine? It would not. But, I went with the flow and hatched the idea of extending time in the area to explore another part of the country.

I could have thrown in the towel on all the hikes I planned due to my husband’s foot injury and my cold. BUT, I continued to go with the flow and live each moment as it came.

Wise Goddess, don’t let obstacles get in your way. Don’t let excuses cloud your judgment. Take a deep breath, move through them and enjoy all the exciting living on the other side. You won’t be disappointed! And, you just may find you are a closet adventurer who can’t wait to explore more of this great big beautiful world.