5 Stage Success Pathway

Success Pathway

The Wise Goddesses Success Pathway will guide you through a 5 Stage transformational program. Once you join our Monthly Membership, you will receive steps to get you started on Stage 1 – your personal 28-day pathway designed to get you moving and thriving as a Wise Goddess. After Stage 1, you will have the option to repeat or to continue to progress through the additional stages of the Success Pathway.

Why Start This Program?


I will send you an email each day with details on what movement or activity you should do.


I'm just like you! And trust me, life is incredible after 50. Let me help you see how.


I will guide you through the next year with movement, recipes, & wellness advice.


The videos range from meditation to strength to yoga! All designed with you in mind.

What Are The Stages?

28-days alternating between gentle movements and wellness tips to start your journey.

In this stage, the first 30-days is for practice. The second 30-days is to perfect the movements.

We introduce you to strength training as part of your weekly habits of movement.

Are you ready to choose your own adventure? You get to pick your focus during this stage.

Explore new activities within your community and start to expand your habits.

Are You a Wise Goddess?

You hold wisdom simply because you have lived, loved, lost, persevered and triumphed for over 3 adult decades. At times you put others before yourself daily, stifling that tiny voice inside you that wanted and needed to pursue health needs and dreams of your own. You are wise because of mistakes made that taught you life lessons, sometimes painfully so. You have grown into your adulthood, know things about yourself that couldn’t have been realized in your 20s or 30s. 

Still Not Sure?

Check out my latest blog posts


Once again, the calendar turns the page to December. It’s the season of giving. The problem with this is that you have multiple to-do lists,

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I’m thinking at least a few of you might be able to relate to something a friend recently told me. She made some changes to

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People often overlook the small, simple things that may bring a smile to their faces and happiness to their hearts. Take the summer season as

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To commemorate half the year being over, my extended family on my mom’s side used to celebrate “Christmas in July ” at my cousin’s lake

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