Staying Well Post-COVID – Part 2

Wait a minute, there is a part 1? Yes, and you can read it here. It delves into boosting your immune system to keep Covid and other viruses at bay by using essential oils in a variety of ways. Let’s continue building your immunity armor with the second and third prongs of the attack plan.


While yoga used to be thought of as a practice for the flower children of the 1960s, it has become mainstream today. It seems as if everyone has jumped on the bandwagon. And, some of you may have fallen off, swearing never to return. I urge you to dust yourselves off (read this if you still need convincing) and consider trying a few gentle, supported yoga poses. They increase blood and lymph circulation in the body. Why practice them? The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems work together to make sure your body’s tissues get what they need and get rid of what they don’t. The circulatory system has a pump, your heart, to help move toxins out. The lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions and the help of gravity to detoxify. And lymphatic fluid only travels up toward the head when it does move. Certain yoga poses help drainage by keeping the head below the heart.

Below are 3 supported yoga poses to practice to boost your immune system. Give them a try by staying up to a minute in each one. You can gradually extend the time you enjoy these poses up to 3 minutes. To get the full benefit, practice them in a quiet place where you can focus on calm, full breaths. If you do not have yoga blocks, feel free to substitute them with blankets or books. And, for those with tight hamstrings, I urge you to either bend the knees a bit in the first two poses and/or stack as many blocks as necessary to achieve the head resting lightly on them.





The third prong to combating viruses in our environment may surprise you in its simplicity. The breath is a powerful detoxifier on its own. Yogic belly breathing is the process whereby the inhales expand the body from the belly to the chest, drawing in fresh oxygen. The exhales drive out the stale breath by allowing the body to deflate from the chest to belly. A few minutes a day of this form of focused breathing can do wonders for your body and emotional well-being. Many of us are walking around laden with stress, which tends to weaken the immune system over time. The constant barrage of stress hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine decreases our natural defense mechanisms. Chaos ensues in the body and illnesses invade.

Why not schedule focused breathing sessions in your day? Make an appointment for yourself just like you do a haircut. Try this – 1 to 5 minutes of breathing to start your day. You don’t even have to get out of bed to keep this appointment. Schedule another during your lunchtime. Focused breathing can lead to more mindful eating! Finish your day with another bout of yogic belly breathing. Once again, you can already be in bed. What a lovely way to drift off to sleep. You can even have a diffuser blend going as you fall asleep. The combination of focused breathing and essential oils is powerful. Get more essential oils recipes to support sleep and other tips for more restful nights in bed here.

Let’s recap the relative simplicity of Staying Well Post-Covid Parts 1 & 2. Invite essential oils into your body and home, practice a little yoga and breathe. It’s inexpensive and won’t take up much of your time. And, it just might keep you from catching the next Covid variant, if there is one. Here’s to your health and not learning the Greek letter after Omicron!