Staying Well Post-COVID – Part 1

What new skills did you pick up during Covid?  Do you now consider yourself a baker, gardener, wine sommelier, nail technician, hairdresser, dog groomer, teacher, landscape designer or renovation expert? I’m sure you have some wicked DIY accomplishments you can creatively add to your next resume update. BUT, do you feel prepared for the next potential  germ wave that hits the U.S.?  Boosting immunity seems to be all the talk these days within the wellness community. And, it can get confusing at times, too many cooks in the kitchen if you know what I mean. 

Now, I am a holistic girl by nature.  Having said that, I am vaccinated. BUT, it seems to me everyone needs to do more than get a shot in the arm and be done. Lots of breakthrough cases of Covid involving fully vaccinated peeps are still being reported every day. And, you never know if there will be another strain sweep through your hometown in the future. Plus, there are still ample varieties of colds and flu to contend with every year.


What can you do to armor yourself against illness besides getting a shot or popping a pill? You could become a hermit. However, I don’t see that as a solution for you. After all, you are a vibrant woman who shares a life with family, friends, co-workers and various local community groups. You need your tribe as much as they need you! So, I have a 3-pronged attack plan to boost your immunity that can be put into action on a daily basis. Let’s get started, shall we?


Fooled you I bet! I want to begin here because you want to support your body and environment organically, and holistically. Many of the air fresheners, cleaning sprays, and body care products on the market are filled with harmful chemicals. Instead of supporting your immune system, they are part of its demise. Essential oils are distilled from plant parts. If you buy them from a reputable supplier (find out more about that in this blog), there is the assurance that they contain nothing else. You don’t want to be surprised with chemical components you can’t pronounce that will pollute your home or harm your personal health.

You can make a myriad of things from essential oils. Cleaning supplies, sanitizers, perfumes, bath and body products, air purifiers and immune support blends are a few examples. I want to focus on air purification and immune support as your first prong to attack unwanted viruses from taking hold in your body and home. 


A diffuser is used to disperse essential oils into your air. It comes in different sizes and styles. Many diffusers look like decorative pieces for  your home. A few things to know before purchasing and using one:

  1. Know the size of the room you wish to purify – Some units cover a couple hundred square feet and others go up to 1000 square feet.
  2. Make sure the diffuser you buy has an automatic shut-off feature – You don’t want it to run out of water and have the unit ruined.
  3. Follow the cleaning procedures in the instructions – The company knows what it’s talking about. Don’t use some concoction under your kitchen sink and ruin the diffuser. I have several diffusers in rooms throughout my home. One uses mild dishwashing detergent and water to clean, another is a water rinse and paper towel wipe, while a third instructs using a combo of calcium citrate and water.  
  4. Type of water to use in a diffuser – Some diffusers will specify using only tap water and others leave it up to you. Tap water does contain minerals that help disperse the oils in the room. However, if filtered water is listed in the directions, follow them. 
  5. Amount of essential oil drops to use – This will depend on the amount of water your unit holds. A general rule of thumb is 5 drops/100ml of water. 
  6. No carrier oils needed – Simply use drops of pure essential oils in your diffuser recipes. Carrier oils are only needed when mixing blends to apply directly to the skin.

Here’s a favorite diffuser recipe of mine for immune support and air purification:

  • 8 drops lime oil
  • 4 drops eucalyptus oil
  • 2 drops sandalwood oil

Please remember, that the water capacity of your unit may require you to adjust the number of drops of each oil used. This recipe requires 14 drops of essential oils so I would use 300ml of water or cut the recipe down to fit your diffuser.


An inhaler is a wonderfully personal and immediate way to provide your body with immune support. I offer this option because even though essential oils are from plants some people are sensitive to their aromas. So, a diffuser or oil blend for your skin will affect everyone in the room while an inhaler is for your benefit exclusively. Please check out this short video on how to make an inhaler.

The inhaler recipe I used in the video is as follows:

  • 4 drops vetiver oil
  • 4 drops rosewood oil
  • 4 drops cedarwood oil
  • 2 drops orange sweet oil
  • 2 drops lavender oil

A carrier oil blend may be the most recognizable way to use essential oils. This involves using a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond and adding essential oils to it.  You can then apply the blend to various points on your body such as the neck and wrists. Pure strength essential oils would be too harsh for your skin.

If you wish to mix your own blends please remember to use dark colored glass bottles such as amber or blue and store the blends in a cool, dark place with lids tightly closed. Light, heat and oxygen tend to degrade the oils much faster. It’s also worth noting that different essential oils stay fresh longer than others. As a general rule, citrus oils, think things like lemon and grapefruit, have a 1-2 year shelf life, conifers, such as all the evergreen scents, 3-4 years and the heavily scented oils such as ylang ylang and jasmine can last 8+ years. 

Here’s an oil recipe that is wonderful for immune support:

  • 5 drops rosewood oil
  • 5 drops douglas fir oil
  • 5 drops orange blood oil
Add these oils to 1 ounce of a carrier oil of choice and apply to pulse points on your body such as the neck and wrists. Or, make an inhaler now that you know how! You can even pop this blend into a diffuser, minus the carrier oil of course.
My hope is, no matter how you choose to enjoy essential oils for immune support, you stay well and continue to be fabulous Wise Goddess!