Show Yourself Some Grace & Gratitude

Here’s something we often forget, no one’s life is perfect. I don’t care how it may look on the outside looking in, every woman you know can’t do it all flawlessly, have her cake, eat it too and never gain weight. We all have faults, make mistakes and sometimes wish we didn’t have the lives we do. 

BUT, just because there isn’t a fairy godmother on the horizon ready to magically make your life fabulous doesn’t mean you can’t find joy in each day and celebrate Y-O-U. I have a couple of simple ideas for you to try.

Gratitude Journal? No

Many people will tell you to keep a daily gratitude journal but I’m not one of them. Maybe you can relate, I have beautiful journals filled with blank pages that never got filled. Oh, I tried. However, the pen always stayed poised on the page and no words got written.  It’s made me feel bad about myself more than once. I have lots of things to be grateful for, so why the frozen pen? For me, that pristine page feels like it needs some unique gratitude paragraph. I can’t write the same thing every day, what’s the point?! Again, peeps will say that’s fine. At least you are recognizing something to be grateful for in your life. Instead, I started to look at it as my life must be missing something if I can’t come up with anything different from day to day to be grateful for. Talk about feeling like my life must suck, jeesh!


I honestly don’t remember where I came across the idea I am about to share with you. It has opened my eyes to the wonderful things I experience each day. I don’t feel like I am in a “gratitude rut”. I’m truly thankful for the incredible moments I can glean from each day and remember before I fall asleep at night. All you need to do is look back over your day and find 1 beautiful moment, 1 delicious moment and 1 funny moment. You can write them in a journal each day and have a wonderful memory book to look back on at the end of the year. Or, just think back over your day as I do and relive each of the 3 moments. It is a powerfully simple exercise that allows the awe of your life into your heart and mind.


A second idea I heartily recommend to make you fall in love with your imperfect self is to write 5 things you like/love about yourself and post it where you can see it every day. I say 5 because that number seems substantial enough to make you feel good yet not be overwhelmed with the task. Write more things if it doesn’t cause you any stress. 

I also suggest you change the list every season. After all, what you like about yourself in winter may be different than what you like in spring. An example from my own life…  I like how I make my home cozy and inviting during the winter months. I admire my gardening expertise in the spring. You will end up with 20 traits you like about yourself. That’s bound to feel like a warm hug, Wise Goddess. And just like that, your life doesn’t suck so much!

You are not perfect, nor am I. But, we each have lots of wonderful qualities to share with the world. And, the world has many memorable moments to give us back.