Once again, the calendar turns the page to December. It’s the season of giving. The problem with this is that you have multiple to-do lists, seem to be in perpetual motion, and don’t eat or sleep well during the month. You constantly think of others while turning your back on the one person in your life who needs help the most, Y-O-U! 

Your inner light and soul can truly suffer this time of year. While all the lights glow on the trees and storefronts, you have no power to shine from within. While you outwardly put on a smile and attack the next item on the day’s to-do list, your inward light switch is off. This type of darkness can lead to depression, weight gain, insomnia, and illness. 

Here’s where I come in, with my magic glitter wand, and sprinkle your life with 10 ideas to give back to yourself during the holiday season. They aren’t complicated or costly. All you have to do is realize that “feeding your soul” is worth the short time it will take for your inner light switch to return to the on position. And, the more consistently you practice some or all of the recovery tools below, the brighter your light will shine.


You need to protect your inner glow this holiday season. That way, you will have more love and warmth to give to the important people in your life. And you can actually enjoy the holidays instead of feeling like the Grinch!

Here are 10 ideas…use them all or just 1 that speaks to you. The point is to experience moments of recovery and renewal in your life at least several times per week, if not daily. It’s simple: time for yourself to reap calm, inner energy to enjoy your life.

  1. Extended exhale breathing – Simply sit or lie down and allow your exhale to grow longer than your inhale. Try it for 1-5 minutes at a time. It’s especially powerful to practice before bed.
  2. Look out a window – Notice the sky and let yourself daydream. It detaches you rather quickly from any turmoil or stress in your midst.
  3. Take a nap – Do this before 3pm and keep it to 30 minutes or less. Yes, you do have time for this one. 
  4. Progressive relaxation can take as little as 5 minutes or as much as 30 or more. Begin by focusing on your feet, take a few slow breaths, and allow the toes, feet, and ankles to relax. If strapped for time, hit the major joints up the body – knees, hips, and shoulders. With more time, focus on muscle groups up the body to the head. 
  5. Repeat positive affirmations – Here are 2 to try: say to yourself either “It’s all easy” or “All is well.” Time the first word with your inhale, and the last 2 with your exhale. Do it for 1 minute minimum, multiple times per day. 
  6. Ten good breaths meditation – Take 10 slow, full breaths anytime you feel stressed or anxious. Focus only on your breath. Send thoughts on their way if they interfere. 
  7. Color – Either buy a coloring book or get a piece of paper and color some random design. It’s been shown to be a great mental health boost. 
  8. Do a brain dump – Grab a piece of paper and pen, write down all the things that are bringing you stress, then crumble up the paper and throw it away. It frees up brain space and allows a clean slate mentally. This practice might be good to do before bed.
  9. Have a soothing tea – Take your afternoon coffee break and turn it into tea time. Lavender and chamomile are 2 great choices to calm your brain and reduce stress. 
  10. Legs up the wall – This yoga pose is fabulous before bed but can be practiced anytime. Find a wall, sit sideways by the baseboard, and gently swing the legs up the wall. The legs don’t have to be flush to the wall; you may put a small pillow under your head, use an eye pillow, and/or a blanket to cover your torso. Stay for 5-15 minutes.


As an extra sprinkle of peaceful fairy dust,  I want you to try the video below. The “Streams of Light” meditation can relax and re-energize you. Take the time, find a quiet place, and tell everyone in earshot not to disturb you. Put on something loose and cozy. Maybe dim the lights and have a candle burning. Set the mood by making your comfort and relaxation a priority.  You are so worth it, Wise Goddess. Enjoy!

Please consider signing up for the Wise Goddesses On Demand library to receive more videos that propel you to your best self. The 5 Stage Wise Goddesses Success Pathway is included in the sign-up, a great way to kick off the new year.


Your family and friends love you for a myriad of reasons. They want you to be happy and joyful all year long. This holiday season, do you want to be the person who’s haggard and distressed or blooming and carefree? The best gift you can give others is a healthy, happy Y-O-U. 

Take the time for yourself and gift those in your life with your peaceful inner light. It might be your best holiday season yet!