Have you heard the above saying before? It means “what is said is accurate and cannot be objected to”. So, here’s a bottom line for women over 50…1 in 2 of you will break a bone due to osteoporosis! And, these fractures occur most often in bones of the hip, vertebrae in the spine and wrist. These are sobering statistics, don’t you agree?

May is Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention month. Wise Goddess, I’m here to give you a simple plan to help you avoid becoming one of the statistics above. Why? Because fractures are associated with decreased quality of life and increased mortality!


You need to begin with a test called a DXA Scan. It’s noninvasive, painless and a definite first step. You have to know if there’s a problem before you can begin to solve it. The readings are taken at the hip and spine. You will get T-scores which compare your bone density to that of a healthy person. 

You may find you have osteopenia. This is a precursor to osteoporosis and while better news it is still bone loss, just less severe. 

Calcium and Vitamin D levels are also crucial to find out as they work together to keep the bones strong. Calcium is the main structural component of your bones. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. This will require a blood test.


The results of testing may require you to begin taking prescription medication and/or calcium and Vitamin D supplements. BUT, if you are serious about avoiding fractures, you should also take the following steps:

  1. Exercise – Weight-bearing exercise like walking and strength training are great places to start.
  2. Do Not Smoke – Smoking causes bone loss.
  3. Alcohol Moderation – If you partake in alcoholic beverages limit your consumption to 1 drink/day or less.
  4. Protein Consumption – As we age we need more protein to maintain bone health and muscle mass. Nuts and seeds, lentils, fish and lean meats are a few foods rich in protein to consider eating on the daily.
  5. Maintain an Appropriate Body Weight – Underweight and overweight women are at a greater risk for fractures.


The 5 points listed above are a great plan to implement no matter what your test results show. We all continue to lose bone as the birthdays add up. It’s never a bad thing to be proactive.   

One thing I know about you, Wise Goddess. You wish to remain independent as you age. Fractures are a huge setback to that wish. Get your shoes on and go for a walk.  Begin to ponder how you will incorporate the other steps of the plan into your life.  Need some help, consider joining the Wise Goddesses membership here.  By next May I want your body blooming with stronger bones while nature bursts forth with beautiful flowers!