It’s Not About The Bikini

I’m wondering if this is going through your mind right now…the title intrigues me, even though I wouldn’t be caught dead in a bikini! Fair enough, no swimsuits necessary for this read. I just wanted to grab your attention! Now that I have it, let’s talk about something vitally important – your health! Don’t groan, answer this question. How would you rate your physical and mental well-being right now  A) Smooth sailing  B) Caught in choppy waters or C) All hands on deck, the ship is sinking?

If your answer is B or C, you are probably the norm. Why is that? Maybe it’s because a woman’s nature is to nurture. We take care of everyone and everything around us except ourselves. The little voice inside our heads says there will be TIME after, _________ fill in the blank. There’s too many possibilities, meaning excuses, to list.

Has that “take care of me” TIME  arrived in your inbox yet? I’m betting not, unless you are experiencing one of those “need to look good” moments in your life. Maybe it’s a class reunion, a family wedding or long awaited beach vacation. These are the times where you feel the need to lose some weight, grow some arm muscles, get a total body makeover, STAT!


Logically, you know you should have been moving more, eating well and stressing less ages ago. And, maybe you set out with the best of intentions at the beginning of the new year to incorporate healthy habits into your daily living.  BUT, something got in the way, then another something and another. Now, guilt and panic are flooding your brain. You are ready to do just about anything to look good.

So, you jump on the closest wellness train. This probably includes some kind of “diet” and the latest workout craze. You may even get results that thrill you. The scale goes down and the dress at the back of the closet fits again. The event leaves you with wonderful memories and photos you don’t want to destroy.

Then, you get back to your REAL LIFE and old habits creep in, little by little. It’s a missed exercise class here and a fast food dinner there until your life gets hijacked again. The wellness train leaves you in the dust with your Netflix binging and favorite pig-out food. UNTIL, the next big event on your calendar approaches and you find another train to catch.


Oftentimes it doesn’t and your body pays the price with yo-yo dieting while your self-esteem hits an all time low. Yo-yo dieting, or weight cycling,  is the term used to describe the pattern of losing weight, regaining it and then dieting again.  The lose-gain cycle can end up hurting you more physically than if you had maintained the weight before your first diet. And, this is quite a common occurrence. One in 3 peeps who go on a diet gain it back within a year. After 5 years almost no one has kept off the weight loss. To add insult to injury, many gain back even more pounds than they lost.


Hone your skills with an actual yo-yo all you want but ditch that form of dieting. Here’s some reasons why:

  • Increased risk of heart disease -The #1 chronic disease that effects women and can lead to death is heart disease. And, a study of over 9500 adults found the more weight lost and regained during yo-yo dieting, the greater the risk of coronary artery disease.
  • An increased risk for diabetes – While the jury is still out on a definitive answer, some studies are showing increased insulin levels and belly fat from yo-yo dieting. Those at highest risk of developing diabetes appear to be the ones who end up at a higher weight than before the diet.
  • Higher Body Fat Percentage – Fat has been shown to be regained more easily than muscle mass from weight cycling. This is particularly true after multiple cycles.
  • Causes Frustration – Adults with a history of yo-yo dieting reported feeling dissatisfied with their lives and health. It’s discouraging to see the hard work of losing weight disappear. Many feel out of control in regards to their body and health. Anxiety and depression can ensue.
  • Short-Term Goals Prevent Long-Term Lifestyle Changes – Here’s the thing, why do we equate an event or time of year with having to look good? A “diet” has you follow a set of rules until your goal is met. Temporary change is producing temporary success. And that fleeting success is a high price to pay for your health in the long run.


You and I both know it is time for a change. And I’m talking about a slow growing, till the end of time BIG alteration to your life. It’s a mind-body revolution that’ll change you forever. A course correction such as this requires you to do some major soul searching. Committing to living better each and every day means you realize you are important enough. Your world will continue to spin if you take some “me time”.  It won’t do for you to give it your all for a few months and stop. A mindset shift comes first before new, sustaining habits can be formed.

Ask yourself this question – When I am 70 years old what do I want my life to look like (if over 70 insert appropriate decade)? Maybe you want to travel the world, be able to play with your grandchildren, take classes, start a new business, join a biking or hiking club….the list goes on and on. And, here’s a biggie – being able to move without pain or the use of a walker.  And another, staying independent and living in your own home as you age.  No matter what comes to mind you will need to take the TIME for self-care NOW in order to achieve your vision for the years ahead. Remember, it’s about living life well every day, not looking good for a moment in time


First, think in terms of life as a marathon that you want to finish strong. A nonrunner can’t show up at the start line and make it through 26.22 miles. Walking might be a good place to start, then progress to a walk-run scenario. Small steps lead to big changes.

Baby steps are in order for your longevity marathon and the perfect time to begin is today. The first step is you have decided A) yo-yo dieting is in my rearview mirror and B) I am ready to take time for me. MINDSET is everything as you set out on your SuperAger journey. It’s your FIRST  STEP and will travel with you EVERY STEP AFTER.

Your assignment is to do that soul searching I mentioned earlier, envision what you want your life to be like as you hit those milestones of 70, 80 and beyond. Say this affirmation every day, multiple times a day if needed – I AM WORTHY. With only 3 words it is easy to remember and reminds you that taking time for yourself isn’t selfish. Tell your family and friends about your life vision. It will make you that much more committed and less likely to falter. And, loved ones will be more willing to help ease your burden of doing everything for everybody when they realize how important caring for yourself is to you and to them.

Last thing for now – I want you to start sleeping better each night. From essential oils to sleep habits, let me help you sleep soundly. Sound good? Know this – I’m in your corner and learning new things every day to help you alleviate health issues and live your best life for decades to come. Think of me as your guide to becoming a SuperAger! The last train you will ever need to catch is pulling out of the station, Wise Goddesses.  Get your ticket and let’s go!

