You may have seen this word in the last few years but dismissed it because you couldn’t figure out how to say it correctly. Let’s start there…it is pronounced (hoo-guh). It is a Danish word that dates back to around 1800 but came on America’s radar screen in 2016, the same year Oxford dictionaries made it the word of the year. Since then, a plethora of books have been written on the subject.  A namesake fall/winter interior decorating style has emerged and the Hygge card game has been invented.


Hygge is derived from a sixteenth century Norwegian term, hugga, which means to comfort or console, and is related to the English word, hug. In a nutshell, hygge is taking time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life to get together with people you care about, or hang out alone, enjoying life’s simple pleasures. However, it does not mean you exhaust yourself by working long hours and checking off the to-do lists only to take one day to recharge so you can repeat the cycle. Hygge is a way of life that is slower paced. It is focused on daily wellness and contentment. This concept is hard for Americans to wrap their heads around, or hug with open arms if you will. Hence, we are a nation of workers that doesn’t even take our allotted vacation time each year. It’s easier to embrace hygge as a cozy decorating style by layering blankets and pillows, lighting candles and drinking tea while continuing to “produce” nonstop. BUT, resting and renewing, connecting with yourself, others and nature isn’t a luxury. It is a necessity that allows us to access our creativity, heal our bodies and be happy!


I can remember the simple pleasures of childhood. How about you? My friends and I would spend hours outside, no matter the season. We  rode bikes and scooters, jumped in leaf piles, built snow forts and swam. On school days we would get home, have a snack, do our homework and play tag and red rover until dinner. Summer was days upon days of effortless fun. 


I don’t know why we forget to keep injecting youthful joy into our lives as we begin adulting. Actually, it may be the societal pressure to produce for profit. But, being able to buy more and more things doesn’t equate with health and happiness. Instead, it leads to stress and illness. Did you know Scandinavian countries consistently rank as the happiest? That’s not a coincidence, that’s because these countries represent the birthplace of HYGGE. Get nostalgic and recreate some of your favorite childhood memories. Just like that, the magic of hygge will enter your life.


Here are some ideas to try to regain a healthy work/play balance.

  1. Spend simple, quality time with friends & family – snowball fights, board games by the fire, share a home cooked meal
  2. Get some fresh air every day – go outside and play with the grandkids or your dog, walk through the woods, go barefoot in the grass
  3. Light some candles, soften the lights and daydream – you may even find yourself taking a cat nap
  4. Give your tech toys a break and read a book – depending on the season this could be snuggled in blankets or lounging on a sundrenched patio
  5. Bring nature indoors – get a few green plants, open the window shades and bask in natural light, decorate with natural wood elements and stones…these things improve your mood and plants bathe your space with oxygen
  6. Don’t deprive yourself – take the vacation days you are given whether you go away or stay home…have some youthful fun


Small things can have a big impact on your life. It happens when you are a child and it should continue through decades of adulthood. Taking a day off and lounging in your pajamas isn’t going to ruin your resume or label you a loser. Rather, it helps you reach new heights at work, keeps you healthy and gives you peace of mind. 

Try Hygge this year, it just may end up being your happiest one yet!