March is National Women’s History Month. International Women’s Day is March 8th and celebrates the social, economic and political achievements of women around the world. It made me think of an idea…how about we all look at our own life histories and honor women from our past or present that have had a positive impact on us. It doesn’t matter if they achieved great things for the masses. It only matters if your life has been influenced in a positive way.


Since this isn’t a formal request to nominate women for contributions made for the greater good, there are no rules. A woman who touched your life in some way is all that’s needed.  The relevancy is personal and unique to you. 

Here’s a few examples from my life. Number one in my heart and mind is my mom, Helen. She taught me how to love unconditionally, bake, garden, live within my means, volunteer my time and talents to worthy causes and kindness to all creatures.

My high school drama and speech teacher, Mrs. Somers, helped me see I am more than a logical, organized person. I have a creative itch that needs to be scratched on a regular basis. It is probably why I love to teach fitness classes, write, dabble in interior and landscape design with my own home and travel.

Lastly, I give a shout out to my 2 beautiful daughters, Taylor and Olivia, for teaching me how to truly become a responsible adult.  I strengthened many personality traits while raising them…patience, kindness and fairness to name a few. I quickly realized what battles were worth the fight. And, I also learned how short life really is, so you need to make every moment count.

I know you have special women in your life as well. Take a little time and think about who they are and how they helped you write your life history, become the person you see in the mirror today. This exercise should bring you lots of smiles and maybe a few tears. 


Here’s what I want you to do now…honor the women who came to mind. Meet them for lunch, give them a call or write them a note and let them know how important they have been in your life. I can guarantee you it will make their day. 

If these women no longer walk this earth, it may be the perfect time to start journaling. Devote a page to each woman, maybe attach a photo of her or the two of you together, and write memories down that allow you to realize how this woman was pivotal in shaping the person you are today. 

You might take the journaling aspect a step further and “write a book”. I’m not talking about having to come up with lots of chapters and a hardcover. I see it more as a way you could share your tributes with others. A journal is a private affair. If you want to be able to share these important women in your life with others, some semblance of a book might be in order. Ladies, your grandchildren may love to read this special history about their grandmother. 

If you find writing tedious, maybe videotaping something is a better option. You can do it on your phone. Just press play and talk. And, you can easily send this to others. I think my former teacher’s daughters, Amy and Ann, would love to hear how their mom touched my life in such a positive way.


Some people think history is boring. And, as a yoga instructor I am always preaching we need to live in the moment. However, there are times when it is beneficial to look back. Please salute the likes of women such as Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sally Ride and Maya Angelou. These ladies, and many others, have made valuable contributions to our country. But, looking back at women who personally helped shape you to become who you are today is a priceless gift to yourself!