Are You Heading Into the Danger Zone

It’s September, a time of beginnings and endings for all of us. Some may be ushering grandchildren into a new school year. Others may be sending kids to college. Craft fairs have many peeps thinking about the holidays. Everyone in the northern hemisphere is saying goodbye to summer, some begrudgingly! Depending on where you live, the warm weather is leaving and won’t be back for a good, long while. In the Midwest, where I currently live, the daylight hours are dwindling quickly and soon darkness will appear by 4:30PM.


What does any of the above have to do with you falling into the “Danger Zone”? For many, change can be the harbinger of falling back into unhealthy habits. Follow along with this scenario below and see if you can relate to part of it, or even, all of it. 

Back in January you got on the health and wellness bandwagon. You diligently started moving more and eating better. You may have slipped up around Easter, Mother’s Day and/or graduation season. But, the days grew warmer and longer and you found yourself eating healthy summer fare and enjoying outdoor activities such as walking, biking and hiking. The end of August suddenly appeared and maybe you became an empty nester, perhaps the grandchildren who were around all summer went back to school and routine activities or you began to dread the thought of bundling back up in coats and mittens to go outside. Change occurred and may not have been welcome. On top of that, cooler weather signals comfort food, holiday planning and generally being indoors more, if you live in much of the country. Hence, the danger zone may be upon you!


Here’s some pitfalls to avoid as the seasons change from summer to fall:

  1. Pumpkin Spice and Apple Cinnamon Everything – Face it, many autumnal treats are less than stellar when it comes to your daily diet. I’m thinking coffee drinks, cider donuts, apple pie, Halloween candy, pumpkin bars with that oh so yummy cream cheese frosting. You get it, right? So, put a plan in place now to enjoy occasional doses of fall foods. An example would be to get a small specialty coffee drink on Saturdays to reward yourself for staying on the nutritional straight and narrow path the rest of the week. Yes, you can!
  2. Hibernating – You are not a bear and you need to move daily. You may have to change the type of movement you are pursuing due to inclement weather but it can be done. Been walking and hiking all summer but don’t want to bundle up to continue these pursuits? Join a gym. Buy yourself a treadmill, rower or elliptical.  Or, keep the exercise flag flying at home with a zoom class or on demand library. Please consider the Wise Goddesses membership here.
  3. Never Saying No – Lots of clubs and activities take a summer hiatus and resume in the fall when the kids go back to school. Some peeps overbook and the extracurriculars become a burden that leads to burnout. They end up eating fast food meals and sitting all day long between work and evening/weekend club activities. And, their schedule never allows them to cook a meal at home or squeeze in an exercise session.  Learn to say no when it’s going to interfere with your self-care time. Prioritize Y-O-U, Wise Goddess. It isn’t selfish and might just be a lifesaver!
  4. Holiday Hoopla – Ah yes, fall and winter see us usher in the Grand Poobahs of holidays. This is more of a black hole than a pitfall for many. You underestimate the time, money and energy it takes to make the holiday season “picture perfect”.  AND, by the time the actual holiday arrives you are stressed, tired, cranky and probably end up overindulging in food and alcohol because, quite frankly, you think you deserve it.  Warning! Trying to be everything to everybody and orchestrating perfect holidays is literally impossible. The only one who suffers is you. So, first and foremost, keep the self-care appointments with yourself. Be realistic with how much time and money you can devote to gift making and buying. Let someone else host this year (hard for you control freaks but do it anyway). Eat some healthy food before you sit down for the grandiose holiday meals and attend the parties. Then graze lightly and have one glass of wine or festive cocktail to two eight ounce water chasers. 
  5. Depression – Many women suffer from this pitfall in silence. Fall and winter can be particularly hard because of the holidays and added darkness to the days. You may have heard of SAD, seasonal affective disorder. It falls under the depression umbrella. With more than 3 million cases per year in the U.S. it is very common and directly related to less sunlight in fall/winter. Good news is SAD is very treatable by a medical professional. Light therapy is just one form of treatment that can be highly effective and inexpensive. Seeking help from a trained mental health therapist is also a great option. Talking to a “stranger” is sometimes the best way to get the perspective and guidance you need. I’ve done it and never regretted it.


Many women get caught up in the negative effects of the “ber” months. Stress, lethargy, depression, anxiety and weight gain are all problems that can appear. One year may not be too detrimental to your well being but repeating the cycle year after year can spell disaster. 

Let’s say you routinely gain 5-10 pounds between September and December. January hits, you panic, begin working out like a fiend and go on a highly restrictive calorie diet. It’s not a good plan. And, after 50, taking a health hiatus for a few months every year begins to take its toll in many ways.  Why? Let’s begin with the added weight. You may not lose all you gain in this 4 month timeframe. So, the number on the scale continues to climb each year, 1 pound of added fat becomes 2 etc, etc. Kapisch?? Excess stress and lack of sleep makes the body a prime breeding ground for disease. Weakened immune systems and more zombie cells (those ordered to die but go rogue and harm tissue around them) circulating in your system are results you don’t want to cultivate. Lack of exercise for months can lead to injury when you re- enter that realm full tilt. Most people don’t ease back into exercise. Hurting yourself leads to more sitting and inactivity. All these things can lead to more depression, even when the light returns in March. See how this cycle is brutal?

The best thing to do is get a game plan in place and stick to it. Develop habits that won’t let you fall into the pits when the going gets tough as August ends. I don’t know what month you are reading this blog but it’s always a good time to make strategic plans. Truth be told, developing habits to ward off stress, weight gain and depression will serve you well any time of the year. Autumn may have more ways to get tripped up but there are always things that come along which throw a monkey wrench into a woman’s life. 


Writing down keys to your game plan and keeping them front and center will help you. Make several copies and post them in key places in your house, car, workplace. I already gave you pitfalls to take into consideration and ways to combat them. You may have other things that trip you up as the weather changes.  Write them all down, along with how you are going to battle against them. Then, keep your eyes on this plan daily. Knowing the dangers and having strategies to combat them is powerful. 

Think back to January, 2022. Are you someone who felt anger and disappointment with yourself because you ate, drank and made merry from football tailgating season through ringing in the new year? Do you enjoy feeling that way? I’m gonna speak for you and say HECK NO!! Do something different this year. A woman with a plan is unstoppable. That’s you, Wise Goddess.