Are You A Wellness Seeker?

Someone is always coming up with a new word or phrase. I came across “wellness seeker” in a webinar I watched and took a liking to it.

Wellness Seeker - an inquirer of ways to stave off chronic disease and live a long, happy , productive life well into the “golden years”.

This description fits me to a tee. I love gaining information and insights on living well longer. And, more importantly, I relish implementing what I learn and feeling the positive effects in my body.

I am concerned you and I are not traveling together on the health and wellness information highway. Statistics show that as a country we are not winning the war on debilitating and life threatening illnesses. An analysis done in 2018 based on data from the National Health Interview Survey shows 51.8% of non-institutionalized U.S. adults had at least 1 chronic condition. And, 27.2% had multiple chronic conditions. Prevalence was highest among women and adults age 65 or older. No one predicts these numbers to go down in the future.

The chronic illnesses mentioned above include arthritis, cancer, COPD, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and weak or failing kidneys.

Are you worried about getting one of these chronic illnesses or suffering from one or more already? Then please consider joining me on a journey to move more, eat better and stress less. But first, a does of reality about the road that lies ahead.


I am going to be brutally honest with you right now. I have been in the fitness industry for decades, a yoga practitioner for almost twenty years. In all this time I have not seen a high percentage of people truly make positive changes to their health and well-being. Oh, they have come to class once or twice a week and can be applauded for this accomplishment for sure. However, I have found this gives people a false sense of security. It takes much more than one cycle or yoga class per week to stay healthy. It takes nutritional dedication, environmental awareness, and continual reading and research. I am seeing more and more people I know getting cancer and undergoing dangerous and highly expensive surgeries and pharmacological therapies with poor results. Maybe it’s time for a change??


Here is my challenge to you…become a wellness seeker now!

STEP 1 – Move more and move often. Sit less each day. At work try getting up every hour from your desk. Walk around the office a few times. Or, if your building has stairs, take a few flights down and back up. Away from work try walking, dancing, running, hiking, biking, kayaking, strength training…I think you get the idea.

If you are unsure how to get started, let me help you. The Wise Goddesses monthly membership includes virtual classes, and an extensive on-demand library of workouts. Learn more here.

STEP 2 – Reduce the amount of sugar in your daily diet. I’m not talking about the natural sugars in fruit. It’s the added sugars in foods that end up being most detrimental. Keep in mind we should be having less than 5 teaspoons of sugar per day. A teaspoon equates to 4 grams. Doing the math, that’s less than 20 grams of sugar per day. One grande Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks contains 52 grams of sugar. One specialty drink can put you on track to almost triple your recommended sugar intake.

Puts things in perspective doesn’t it?? Please begin to become more aware of what you put in your mouth. Perhaps learn to drink your coffee black or switch to herbal tea. And, skip the muffin or cinnamon roll with that morning cuppa. Maybe give avocado toast a try! Small changes count and can lead to bigger changes over time. Here’s your motto – Baby Steps Are Best! 

STEP 3 – READ the labels on anything you buy in a bag, box or bottle. Companies add excessive sugar, sodium and harmful chemical additives to almost everything these days. If the ingredients list reads like a chemistry book, leave the product on the shelf. Check to see how many grams of sugar and sodium are in the product. And, if you think it’s ok to have honey and coconut sugar just remember, it’s still sugar. Remember what you learned in Step 2. 

The American Heart Association and The National Academy of Medicine both say to keep sodium consumption under 2300 milligrams. This equates to 1 teaspoon. It’s sad to say but you could consume one processed food and be over the recommended daily intake of sodium. 

Reading nutrition labels can be tedious. So remember, you can never go wrong in the produce section of your favorite grocery store! No reading necessary, just eat the rainbow!


Be proactive, learn new things about nutrition, physical fitness, mental fitness, new surgical procedures and therapies.  Better yet, join my email list (here) and I’ll send you practical, simple tips for getting better sleep. I will keep you in the know on the best ways to move after 50, research pertinent to keeping you well in a myriad of ways and help you live your best life! Always remember that knowledge is power at any age!  

Let’s not only become wellness seekers but wellness warriors…. armed with information, actively participating in keeping ourselves healthy and fit and kicking chronic disease out the door forevermore!