What makes you a Wise Goddess?

You hold wisdom simply because you have lived, loved, lost, persevered and triumphed for over 3 adult decades. At times you put others before yourself daily, stifling that tiny voice inside you that wanted and needed to pursue health needs and dreams of your own. You are wise because of mistakes made that taught you life lessons, sometimes painfully so. You have grown into your adulthood, know things about yourself that couldn’t have been realized in your 20s or 30s. 
These are all descriptions of a goddess and I know at least a few of them resonate with you. Maybe they don’t depict your outer facade but they jump off the page to the self inside, the woman who knows life hasn’t passed her by, the possibilities are still endless, the dreams aren’t silly, you definitely aren’t too old.
The second half of life is all about you!


Getting to know someone is sooo much more than looking at a resume of qualifications, don’t you think? As women we more often than not use our intuition to determine if we “click” with another person. So, below are glimpses into my life and personality that will give you an overall picture of who I am.

– Grew up in a small town, 800 peeps!, where farming corn and soybeans was king

– The first 18 years of my life felt like I had the whole community of Piper City looking out for me, cheering me on…priceless

– Couldn’t figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up until now with Wise Goddesses

– Mother of 2 girls, one came to us biologically and the other from a trek to the other side of the world, China

– Lifelong learner, I love reading the latest news and research in the fields of fitness, nutrition & mental health

– Avid gardener, voracious reader (love a good mystery), biking, hiking & kayaking enthusiast

– Dog & cat lover, have always had a furry friend or two in my life…currently two dogs, Colby and Ella

– Always trying to do my part to help heal Mother Earth…composter, recycler, solar energy homeowner, have vegetable and herb gardens during the Midwest growing season as well as apple and pear trees, raspberry bushes and flowers everywhere

– Great listener

– Empty nester and loving it!

– Open- minded and always willing to hear multiple viewpoints with no judgement

– I give homework to my personal training clients..1 or 2 hours with me each week isn’t enough to see effective change

– View myself as a natural born teacher…I am committed to sharing all I know and learn to help you get healthy and stay that way long after the customary retirement age of 65

– Being active means I have had my share of injuries over the years…a rather serious back injury in the 1990s due to years of running and a recent shoulder issue come to mind

– Important update to above injury report…with hard work and the right treatment options I can now run on a treadmill, am back to strength training and lead a very active lifestyle. YOU can come back from injuries after 50 and continue doing what you love!

– I enjoy traveling and my favorite destination is the ocean. My goal is to live by the sea forevermore.

– I’m honest but never cruel

– I believe above all, be kind…each one of us is trying to live this thing called life to the best of our abilities.


B.S Business | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
M.S. Exercise Physiology | Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle, IL

E-RYT 200 | Himalayan Yoga & Meditation Center, Palatine, IL
Thai Bodywork(Northern Style) | One Point Connection, Geneva, IL
Gold Certified Group Exercise Instructor | American Council on Exercise, Los Angeles, CA
Ballet Barre | SCW Fitness Education, Evanston, IL
Barre Above | Savvier Fitness Education, Vista, CA
Barre Above II | Savvier Fitness Education, Vista, CA
Mat Pilates | SCW Fitness Education, Evanston, IL
CPR & First-Aid

Chair Yoga, YogaVista Academy
Gentle Yoga, YogaVista Academy
Wellness Educator, YogaUOnline

Annette Reese has been in the fitness industry for thirty-plus years, teaching a myriad of exercise classes and providing personal training. In addition, Annette worked at both Leo Burnett and Quaker Oats Corporate Fitness Centers in Chicago, IL and the Prairie State College Fitness Center in Chicago Heights, IL administering fitness testing and writing exercise prescriptions for participants.

Annette has taught yoga for eighteen plus years at various facilities throughout the southern and western suburbs of Chicago as well as independently for the past seven years.

Annette has been providing Thai Bodywork services for five-plus years.