People often overlook the small, simple things that may bring a smile to their faces and happiness to their hearts. Take the summer season as an example. Many peeps spend months looking forward to a vacation. It comes and goes, fun is had by all, pics are taken and then it’s back to work. The same could be said for a family wedding or tickets to a fabulous concert (insert Taylor Swift or Beyonce here as prime examples). But, summer is so much more than 1 vacation or a string of 1 time events. It’s about enjoying all the delicious moments in between the big events. Some of the best summer memories can be found here. All you have to do is remain present each wonderful summer day. 


Here’s some reasons to absolutely adore summer:

  1. No bundling up in coats, hats, scarves, mittens and boots
  2. Sun on your face
  3. Green trees and grass
  4. Colorful garden flowers to see, smell and make bouquets to enjoy
  5. Flip flops
  6. The smell of fresh mown grass
  7. Puffy white clouds you can watch and imagine as various objects
  8. Bike riding
  9. Slipping on a sundress
  10. Dining alfresco
  11. Garden tomatoes
  12. Stays light out way past 4:30PM
  13. Rainbows after summer showers
  14. Farmers Markets
  15. Reading a book on the front porch or back patio
  16. Light meals that take minutes to make
  17. Corn on the cob
  18. Ponytails & messy buns that allow you to skip washing your hair
  19. Driving with the windows down
  20. It’s often still warm at midnight

I could go on and on, as summer is my favorite time of the year. You’ll notice most of these things cost nothing, bonus! This list is all about observing your surroundings, enjoying the tastes, smells, sounds and  feels of summer. It’s about having a grateful heart for each delectable moment of this magical season. 


Maybe we should write love notes for all sorts of things in our lives. Write a love note telling each child what you value about them, or a love note telling your husband or significant other all the things you appreciate they do to keep the house in working order. How about taking something you don’t like or appreciate and finding the good in it? 

I’ll leave you with the beginnings of my next love note. I live in the Midwest and detest winter. But, I like sitting by the fireplace and reading. And, I enjoy making a big pot of split pea soup to warm me from the inside out. If I can turn winter into a positive, think what you can do, Wise Goddess!